

"8 Ways to Teach Your Child Values"

            92 percent of us want our children to have better manners and 
values," says Gary Bauer former White House Advisor and President 
of the Family Research Council.

What are values and how do we teach them to our 

Webster defines values as 
1) the social principles, 
goals or standard held or accepted by an individual 

that which is desirable or worth of esteem. Your 
values determine how you and your family live. A 
value you may hold is honesty, importance of family, 
or having fun. There are numerous values that you have that you 
may or may not be aware of. Your values may change from day to

Whether or not you are aware of it, you have priorities within your 
values. For example, you may value work more than you value time 
spent with your family. If this is the case, you may find that your 
children and your spouse are doing some negative things to get 
your attention. Being at home may feel draining or tense. However 
if you change your priority to value your family more than you do 
work, you will find that your family will become more supportive of 
you and your work. As a result, you will feel nourished by your 

The way you can determine what values you have are by the results 
you are getting. In the case above, if you are not feeling nurtured by 
your family, you may want to pay attention to how much you are 
investing in your family. Pay close attention to what you spend your 
time and your money on. This will also help you determine what you 

Eight Ways To Teach Values
1. Determine What Values You Want
Make a list of you top ten priorities for your family. This will
help you keep your intention on creating what you want your
children to learn. 
Sometimes in an 
attempt to make life 
easy for ourselves, we 
let things slide. In the 
long run, it usually 
takes us much longer.

2. Set Rules Around Your Values
Don't be afraid to set rules around your values. For example, if
having family time is important to you at dinner, don't allow
interruptions such as phone calls, TV, or absenteeism for either you 
or your children.

3. Be Unrelenting About Your Values
Sometimes in an attempt to make life 
easy for ourselves, we let things slide. In 
the long run, it usually takes us much 
longer. The longer we put things off the 
more frustrating the situation gets for 

4. Emphasize Your Actions With Your Words
Talk to your child about your actions. Tell them the good
feeling that you get from following through on a value. For
example, "I greeted people at church today. It really fills my heart 
when I can make people feel good.

5. Look for Teaching Opportunities
Keep alert for stories from real life, TV, books and newspapers
that illustrate a value that you think is important. For example, my 
son loves football and thinks that Emmit Smith is the greatest. My 
husband got him the book "The Emmit Zone," which is full of 
important values for my son. Point out actions of neighbors and 
friends that demonstrate values. For example, I told my children 
about a friend who called me to apologize for lying to me the 
previous day.

6. Teach Your Child To Prioritize
For example, if your family is in a stressful situation and your
nine-year-old is being inappropriately demanding, you may want to 
ask, "What's more important right now, you getting your way or that 
we all calm down and create some peace in this family?" It is 
important that you ask this question without instilling guilt or being 

7. If Your Child Isn't Honoring a Value
Are my actions 
congruent with 
my talk?

You may want to check the following if your child isn't honoring 
a value you hold dear.

Am I sending a clear message?
For example, you may really want the TV off three days a week
but you only occasionally ask your family to turn off or turn down 
the TV.

Are my actions congruent with my talk?
A friend of mine was walking out of a store 
with his daughter. He noticed that the clerk had 
given him too much change and started going back 
to the store. The daughter asked, "Why are you 
going back when she only gave you a dollar too much?" He replied,

"My integrity is worth more than a dollar."
Am I too controlling about my desire for my child to share my
Note: If your teenager is rebelling against your values, this is
not only normal but, important for him to determine his own values.
This is a stage and he will grow out of it.
8. Discuss Your Own Struggles with Your Values
Share with your child how you struggle with your own values.
For example, "My boss wanted me to do something that would save 
the company money. I don't want to do it because in will hurt the 
environment. I am really struggling with this because I am not sure 
what he will do if I stick up for what I believe in." Hearing you 
struggle helps your child clarify his own values. It also helps him to 
not feel alone in his struggles. Be insistent, subtle, creative, and 
inviting about teaching values. Don't give boring lectures, orders or 
use "band wagon" approaches. Without values, our children are left 
to their own devices or pick up the values of peers or media. When 
you care enough to stick up for your values, your children develop a 
deep respect for you and themselves.